Updates to Our Branch Hours and Services: Effective March 31st, lobbies will open at 8:30 AM Monday-Saturday, and drive-thrus will open at 8:00 AM Monday-Saturday. Please note: Our Portland branch will be moving to an appointment-only system for walk-in transactions. Please click here for a complete list of branch hours.
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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government


Tips and tricks to help prevent security issues before they start

Security Best Practices

  1. Never click on links in suspicious or unsolicited emails. They can lead to sites or files with malware, viruses or other malicious content.
  2. Keep your computer up to date and install anti-virus software. Regular updates and anti-virus software can prevent known bugs and viruses from infecting your computer. For more information, visit OnGuardOnline.gov
  3. Don’t install software from unknown applications or websites. They can contain viruses that open up your computer to cyber threats.
  4. Use strong passwords. The longer the password, the stronger the password. A mix of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols make guessing a password difficult and harder for your accounts to be hacked.
  5. Don’t share your usernames and passwords with anyone. Giving this information away can invite “bad actors” and lead to an account takeover.
  6. Review your online accounts. Make sure to review your transaction history on a regular basis to protect yourself from fraudulent activity. If you bank online, use our online banking portal to monitor your accounts 24/7. Learn more about online banking.
  7. Ensure that retail websites are secure before entering your payment information. Look for ‘https’ before the website address on retail websites. The ‘s’ stands for secure and tells you it’s safe to enter your card number and other sensitive information.
  8. Always log off completely after finishing an online transaction. On a shared computer, this best practice will help prevent your information from being used in a subsequent transaction.
  9. Store only the sensitive data that you absolutely need. Storing unnecessary sensitive data can leave you more exposed in a cyber-attack. If you must keep copies of files with sensitive information, back up your files and store the backup in a secure location.
  10. Never leave your computer unattended and open. One of the easiest ways to gain access to private information is to take it from a computer that’s left unlocked. Protect yourself by shutting down, locking or putting your computer to sleep when you step away from it.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)


When you log in to Online Banking for the first time from any platform, you will have to enroll in 2FA. As part of the enrollment, you will need to provide your email and phone number. You will have to choose your preferred method of receiving the verification code:

  • Text message via a mobile phone (Recommended)
  • Phone call via a landline
  • Verification code through an authenticator app (Authy is our recommended app for this method)

If you set up a new phone number or enter the incorrect number, you can contact (207) 284-4591 for assistance.

Once you enroll, you will not have to re-enroll unless you choose to reset your 2FA.

2FA phone needs to be accessible each time you login unless you opt into the “remember me” functionality. Please note that certain cookies or browser extensions can cause the “remember me” check to fail upon next login. Due to the uniqueness of each end user’s browser setup, there will always be cases where this affects end users, and we cannot prevent it.

Phone call verification

If you select to receive a phone call instead of a text message, you will receive a verification code in the form of an automated call. The automated phone number may be listed as coming from anywhere in the U.S.

  • The automated call provides a single digit for you to enter on the phone
  • The automated call will then provide a six-digit verification code for you to enter on the banking app you are using (Online or Mobile)

If you do not enter the initial digit, the verification code will not be given, nor will it be left on a voicemail system. If you do not answer the automated call, select the re-send option in the app.

Reset 2FA Enrollment

You can reset your own 2FA enrollment in both Online and Mobile Banking by going to the security settings in your profile page. You can also reset your 2FA by contacting our Customer Care Department at (207) 284-4591.