Updates to Our Branch Hours and Services: Effective March 31st, lobbies will open at 8:30 AM Monday-Saturday, and drive-thrus will open at 8:00 AM Monday-Saturday. Please note: Our Portland branch will be moving to an appointment-only system for walk-in transactions. Please click here for a complete list of branch hours.
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business Checking

Since 1902, Palace Playland in Old Orchard Beach has brought joy with nostalgic rides and food, owned by Joel Golder and managed by his son, Paul. Read More

Let’s find the best Checking Account to fit your businesses needs.

Since 1902, Palace Playland in Old Orchard Beach has brought joy with nostalgic rides and food, owned by Joel Golder and managed by his son, Paul. Read More

Business Basic Checking

With no minimum monthly balance and 150 free debits/credits per cycle, our not-so-basic Business Checking Account suits a range of business and non-profit needs.

  • Eligibility: Any business or non-profit
  • Transaction limits/fees: 150 debits and/or credits per cycle free, then $0.50 per debit or credit
  • Minimum balance: None

1No charge by Bank. Additional vendor charges apply.

Business Balance 25k

The small Business Checking Account for your growing needs.

  • Eligibility: Any business or non-profit
  • Transaction limits/fees: None
  • Average monthly balance required: $25,000 or $10 monthly maintenance fee
  • Interest paid: $25,000 minimum balance to earn interest

1No charge by Bank. Additional vendor charges apply.

Business Balance 250k

The Checking Account for local midsize to large businesses.

  • Eligibility: Any business or non-profit
  • Transaction limits/fees: None
  • Average monthly balance required: $250,000 or $25 monthly maintenance fee
  • Interest paid: $250,000 minimum balance to earn interest

1No charge by Bank. Additional vendor charges apply.

Mainely Non-Profit Checking

The Business Checking Account for our neighboring nonprofits.

  • Eligibility: Non-profit organizations
  • Transaction limits/fees: None
  • Average monthly balance required: 150 debits and/or credits per cycle free, then $0.50 per debit or credit
  • Average monthly balance required: $1,000 or $5 monthly maintenance fee
  • Interest paid: $1,000 minimum balance to earn interest

1No charge by Bank. Additional vendor charges apply.

Specialty Checking Accounts

Our Business Checking Accounts for the common good.

Business IOLTA Checking Account (Interest on Lawyer's Trust Account)

Our Business Checking Account for lawyers serves as an interest-bearing trust account for clients’ funds. Interest earned goes to the Maine Bar Foundation, which dedicates the funds to support civil legal aid for low-income and disadvantaged people, law-related education and administration of justice projects.

Business RAHF Checking Account (REALTORS Affordable Housing Fund)

The Business Checking Account that builds on the unique partnership between local banks and local realtors. Interest earned through earnest money deposits from realtors goes to the Maine Association of Realtors, which distributes the funds in the form of grants to successful applicants.

Compare Accounts

Business Basic CheckingBusiness Balance 25kBusiness Balance 250kMainely Non-Profit Checking
The right fit if you want a…Basic business checking accountSmall business checking accountBusiness checking account for bigger balancesBusiness checking account for nonprofits
Monthly Balance Requirementchecked$25,000 or $10 monthly maintenance fee$250,000 or $25 monthly maintenance fee$1,000 or $5 monthly maintenance fee
Pays Interestcheckedchecked2checked2checked2
Transaction Limits/Fees150 debits and/or credits per cycle free, then $0.50 per debit or creditcheckedchecked150 debits and/or credits per cycle free, then $0.50 per debit or credit
Free Debit Cardcheckedcheckedcheckedchecked
Free Online Bill Pay and Business Online Bankingcheckedcheckedcheckedchecked
Free Mobile Banking and Check Depositcheckedcheckedcheckedchecked
Free eStatementscheckedcheckedcheckedchecked
Free Payment Processing Services1checkedcheckedcheckedchecked
Online Cash Management Servicesn/acheckedcheckedn/a

1No charge by Bank. Additional vendor charges apply.
Minimum balance required to earn interest.

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