Stacey Skinsacos Celebrating 25 Years at SBSI

Stacey Skinsacos recently celebrated her 25-year work anniversary here at Saco & Biddeford Savings!

Her journey to becoming a part of SBSI was as much a personal decision as it was professional. Seeking the kind of job stability that would benefit her growing family, she transitioned from 14 years in the retail sector to SBSI.

Starting off her career with us at our Saco branch as a teller, Stacey discovered not just a job but a calling.

“When I first applied, I was hoping to go to the OOB branch because that was where I had always banked since I was a child.  I landed in the Saco branch as a teller which ended up being such a great place for me.”

Her persistence and professional zeal didn’t go unnoticed, leading her to move into the loan department and, subsequently, take on underwriting—a new frontier for SBSI at the time. Stacey excelled in this capacity, her aptitude cementing her decision.

“The bank took a chance on me and gave me the opportunity to give it a shot and it was the best choice for me.  I have been in this position for over 20 years now and I love what I do.”

With over two decades of experience in the role, Stacey has become an integral part of the underwriting team, taking pride in assisting families on their journey to homeownership. She says that the camaraderie and support from her colleagues have been a cornerstone of her experience, fostering a work environment that feels like a second home.

Away from her desk, Stacey treasures the moments spent trail running or basking in the joy of family gatherings with her husband, children, and grandchildren. Those precious times highlight the harmony she’s achieved between her career and personal life.